
one chart at a time


David Pires

Championing Change – The Solo Guide

It starts slowly; you have seen something that others are talking about. A software, or perhaps some new methodology which you think will either make your job easier, more interesting or something which has the potential to make/save some money... Continue Reading →

Tableau Tip: 4 measures in a chart

Recently Andy Kriebel posted a great tip on how to How to Create a Combination Chart with Overlapping Bars & a Line which reminded me of something that I'd done for a Spanish blog which used something similar but within the same... Continue Reading →

Köppen Geiger Climate Classification: Shape files in Tableau

I day dream....a lot.... Often I think about moving somewhere else in the world, I guess many people do as well, but I can obsess with details such as cost of living, practicalities of moving there. That was how I came... Continue Reading →

Tableau Tip: Filter with lookup

It has been a while since I've shared a Tableau Tip and I thought it might be useful to share something I did on Watch Me Viz at the Tableau Conference on Tour in London. I wrote about the conference here.... Continue Reading →

Tableau Battle Floating vs Tiled

For some time now I’ve been curious about floating in Tableau. Curious to try and understand it in the same way I understand tiled and layout containers. For a new Tableau user containers may not make a lot of sense,... Continue Reading →

MakeoverMonday: US Children Well-being

This week’s #makeovermonday was really fun and one of those where I learned the most. But first a big thank you to Michael Mixon and Jeffrey Shaffer for their help. We are so lucky to have such an awesome community... Continue Reading →

Makeover Monday: Theft in Japan

Another week another #makeovermonday this time one which I'd sent to Andy Kriebel a few weeks ago. I like pies do you like pies? How about pie on a pie, if double pie is like a double burger it has... Continue Reading →

DATA 16 – Tableau on Tour London

If you follow me on twitter you’d have noticed the barrage of #data16 tweets I sent last week. But you may be forgiven for not knowing what #data16 was all about. #Data16 was the twitter handle for Tableau’s On Tour... Continue Reading →

Makeover Monday: Facebook Carbon Footprint

I'm afraid this week I hadn't had the time to do a proper write up of my process. There's a project that I'm working on which I hope will see the light of day this week. That said here's the... Continue Reading →

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